The Joyful Village

Monthly Membership

A Community of Mothers Committed to Cultivating Joy

Happy Mothers > Healthy Children > Thriving Society

Our society tends to reward women and mothers for self-sacrificing behavior.

When women become mothers, they often struggle with depression, identity crises, and overall stress and exhaustion, feeling completely depleted and under-resourced while trying to put their children and family first.

Studies have shown that a mother’s happiness is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT predictor of the stability of the family and a child’s ability to thrive as an adult.

You do not get to be under-resourced anymore. Your happiness and wellness matter.

This membership is for you if you see motherhood as a vocation.

Who it’s for:

  • Women who look around the world and feel dissatisfied and concerned about the state of politics, business, consumerism, media, and collective values.

  • Mothers of young children and women who are preparing for motherhood who want to show up as their best selves for their children.

  • Women who are committed to doing their own inner work and heal from their childhood so they provide a safe and loving household for their children.

  • Women who are committed to being cycle-breakers for their families.

  • Conscious women who either have a spiritual life or desire a relationship with spirituality.

  • Women who hold the possibility of a better world for our future generations in their hearts and want to stand together for a society centered in love.

“Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary - it’s an act of infinite optimism.”

-Gilda Radner

In this community…

You will understand

…nervous system regulation, and learn practices to reduce your own stress and anxiety and co-regulate with your children.

You will have…

….a tribe of women who share your values, inspire you, and support you. You will experience the connection and community that your heart has been wanting.

You will learn…

…how to be the kind of person who can handle anything from a place of strength, resilience, and serenity.

You will understand…

… the connection between conscious parenting and your own emotional regulation, and learn how to process your own triggers, manage your emotions, and teach your children how to do the same.

You will carve out…

…time for yourself to feel resourced. You won’t have to think about or schedule it, you can just show up and be guided through practices to promote calm, stress resilience, and overall wellness.

You will experience…

… coming home to yourself. You will receive tools and practices to reconnect with your true self and get to experience the multi-faceted beauty of your wholeness as a woman.

What You’ll Receive:

All of the content, events, and community will be hosted on an easy-to-use app. (Mighty Networks)
Click the plus signs below to learn more about each feature of your membership.

  • Live workshops hosted on Zoom will include:

    • Mindfulness

    • Educational content

    • Opportunities to connect with other mothers

    • Journaling / reflection time.

    Educational content will focus on relevant topics such as:

    • Nervous system regulation

    • Stress management

    • Nutrition

    • Movement practices

    • Boundaries

    • Emotional intelligence

    • Sleep optimization

    • Communication and relationship health

    **NOTE: If you cannot attend workshops live, you'll have access to the recording.

  • Curated weekly content such as:

    • Custom audio recordings

    • Tools

    • Articles

    • Podcast recommendations

    • Video recommendations

    Topics will support you in overcoming anxiety and exhaustion and cultivating energy, calm, and joy:

    • Nervous system regulation

    • Embodiment/movement practices

    • Pleasure practices

    • Stress management

    • Self-healing

    • Conscious parenting

  • Our community will host different challenges to hold space for accountability in integrating what we learn in workshops and weekly content together. For example, following a sleep optimization workshop, we may challenge the community to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime and share how it is going.

  • If you'd like some extra support, accountability, and connection, you will have the option to be matched with a buddy.

  • You will receive a guide to create in person community meet-ups with the members in your geographic area. I will help you coordinate these meet-ups so you don't have to worry about what you're going to do or how you'll connect with other mothers.

  • You will receive exclusive discounts and unique offerings for 1:1 or group support that you can opt into.

Guidance and Support

Although I will be guiding and shaping much of the content for this community, the best part about the community is you’ll get way more wisdom than what I can offer alone. All of the mothers in this community have their own wellspring of wisdom, experience, and understanding they bring to the table. Many of my community-based structures are designed to open up that wellspring and share in the communal wisdom of motherhood so you get so much more value than what I bring, AND I bring a lot of value and experience:

  • 10 years exploring various holistic wellness modalities within the contexts of nutrition, movement, mindfulness, spirituality, habit-forming, self-healing, ancestral healing, energy work, transformation, conscious relationship, and communication.

  • 10 years as a Professional Aunt to 9 nieces and nephews and a support system to sisters and friends who are mothers. I have an intimate understanding of what mothers go through, what they feel challenged by, and what they need to be resourced.

  • 10 years as a sober woman sponsoring many other women of all ages and backgrounds through their own recovery process. This experience has allowed me to explore deep humility, rich spirituality, and true acceptance and serenity.

  • 7+ years experience as a transformational coach. I know what it takes for human beings to alter their mindset and lifestyle, and get results!

  • A lifetime (obsessive) seeker and student - I am always researching, reading, and studying the latest modalities for health, healing, and radiance so that you don’t have to.

  • 15 years of marketing experience. After studying English and Art, I leveraged language and creativity in my marketing career to communicate complex ideas and concepts in bite-size, easy to digest content. This skillset allows me to distill down the knowledge, experience, and information I’ve been exposed to over 10 years of personal development into an easy to consume format for you.

Enter The Joyful Village

$55/month $33/month

$22 off/month for the first 20 members!

The Joyful Village begins October 1st, 2024.

When you register, you’ll pay for your first month and won’t be charged again until your second month starts on November 1st.

This membership is offered on a month-by-month basis, with no long-term commitment. Come try it out and cancel anytime.


Not sure if this community is right for you? Schedule a connection call to share with me about your challenges and desires and I will guide you to intuitively create your path forward.