About Matsu Love

Why does Matsu Love exist?

To create a thriving society
by raising a generation of self-guided, heart-centered, and creative leaders,
one mother at a time.

Why mothers?

If you’re a mother and you’re dissatisfied with the state of the world (war, hunger, poverty, politics), this is our rally cry to you.

We are creating Motherhood as activism.

There is no greater power in the world than the love of a mother. We believe it is what the world needs to heal.

Heart-centered, healthy, and creative children are the key to a thriving society. The single strongest indicator of children who thrive as adults is the quality of their mother’s happiness. More so than the marital status of their parents, income, or style of parenting.

So many mothers suffer from depression, exhaustion, and stress - they are socially rewarded to self-sacrifice, and they experience a loss of identity after becoming new mothers, then feel guilty when being a mother isn’t enough.

Our mission with Matsu Love is to guide women back to their inherent joy, resilience, and wellness through holistic principles and practices so they can raise a thriving society - one that is made up of self-guided, emotionally intelligent, connected leaders. That future starts with you and how you take care of yourself.

If you want to change the world, learning how to take care of yourself and do your inner work is the key. Matsu Love is the space for you to take on this important work.

To learn more about why I named my business Matsu Love, you can read this article.

Who is it for?

Women who look around the world and feel dissatisfied and concerned about the state of politics, business, consumerism, media, and collective values.

Mothers of young children and women who are preparing for motherhood who want to show up as their best selves for their children.

Women who are committed to doing their own inner work and heal from their childhood so they provide a safe and loving household for their children.

Women who are committed to being cycle-breakers for their families.

Conscious women who either have a spiritual life or desire a relationship with spirituality.

Women who hold the possibility of a better world for our future generations in their hearts and want to stand together for a society centered in love.

My Philosophy

Everything that I do centers in three strong beliefs:

  1. The best guide and teacher for you is yourself.

  2. Love and joy are the access to true wellness and power. My coaching and programs leverage tools that support you by removing the barriers, behavior patterns, and mental blocks that get in your way of connecting with your intuition, your truest self, and your inherent love for people. My job is to return you home to yourself over and over again while you navigate life’s challenges, and find the ways of being that will give you the greatest joy in your self expression.

  3. There are two options for how you can live your life:

  • Unconscious, default reaction to the circumstances in your life.

  • Conscious, intentional creation of life.

The first option is usually a reaction from your past, and its primary focus is survival. It wants you to look good, fit in, and stay small and safe. It has you making decisions based on social expectations and norms, childhood conditioning, and external expectations.

The second option is your divine birthright. It has you living life from your inner guidance and making choices from joy, love, and true self-expression. You have more creative power than you’ve ever realized. It would be my honor to support you in discovering this power for yourself and living a life full of magic.

I believe if we all were living life intentionally guided from our own inner wellspring of strength, love, vitality, wisdom and joy, that the world would be a beautiful place to live in.

My Experience

I am a Certified Integrative Trauma Coach and a Reiki I and II practitioner. I am highly intuitive and connected with my spirituality and inner guidance. I am always learning and growing while discovering new modalities of healing to bring to my work and to the women I serve.

In addition, I bring the following experience to all of my coaching, workshops and programs:

  • 10 years of experience as a Professional Aunt to 9 nieces and nephews. I have been granted several opportunities to live with, nourish and co-parent with sisters and friends who are mothers over that time.

  • 10 years of continuous sobriety, working a recovery program and sponsoring other women to recover.

  • 10 years experience as a holistic cook, including 3 years as a professional cook and 1 year studying nutritional therapy.

  • 8 years experience as a coach and program facilitator in transformational courses, personal and professional development programs, and corporate initiatives.

  • 1,000s of hours of personal research through reading, online courses, and in-person programs in the well-being spaces of nutrition, metabolism, psychology, ontology, transformation, consciousness, mindfulness, spirituality, intuition, energy work, movement and exercise, habit forming, relationships, boundaries, self-love and self-discovery, and more.

Frameworks, Tools & Modalities
that inform my coaching & programs



Quantum Physics


Gottman Method

Parts Work

Transformational Coaching

Spiritual / Energetic

12-Step Recovery

Reiki / Energy Work

David Hawkin's Map of Consciousness &

Letting Go Technique

Mindfulness / Meditation

Law of Attraction


Polyvagal Theory

Movement (Yoga, Weightlifting, etc)

EFT Tapping

Holistic Nutrition

Whole30 / Paleo Movement

Somatic Work / Embodiment