
“I would never want to bring my own trauma into my child's life, so being able to address my unexpected trauma now was a burden I didn't know I had. I don’t know if I believe in higher self, but being led through that higher self meditation was so out of body that I didn't realize I was crying until I felt my tears.”

— 1:1 Program Client (Female, 30s, pregnant)

“Working with Cara is positively changing the way I view myself and has transformed the way I approach my current circumstances. Her tailored, practical guidance has empowered me to tackle issues I avoided for years. Cara's warmth, empathy, and lack of judgment create an environment where I feel completely at ease!”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, pre-pregnancy)

“I’m just amazed at our progress and I cannot believe it’s almost been a year already.”

— Group Program Client (Female, 30s, 2 kids)

“After my coaching sessions with Cara, I not only feel more hopeful, but I also have tangible steps to break free from feeling stuck in my life. These calls have been instrumental in helping me gain insight into myself, understand my obstacles, and pave the way towards creating the life I want.”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, pre-pregnancy)

“I feel so hopeful. I've been trying to do so much on my own the last several months, and now I actually have a palpable sense that this process will work to birth a new version of myself. Your space was powerful for me to step into. Especially as I start a new business (!!!) I have a sense that I'm cleaning up my integrity to make space for a super supportive, clear-minded, open-hearted container to hold for future clients and for myself. YAY.”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 20s, pre-pregnancy)

“The most valuable part of our session today was feeling very seen and known and like what we’re out to accomplish is spot on.”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, 2 kids)

“I've become so accustomed to trying to be this perfect, successful female adult that others portray on social media that I feel like I'm becoming someone I don't want to be. Our sessions so far have let me take a step back to reflect and find myself. I've learned SO much about topics I would never have explored and I'm excited for the continued journey.”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, trying to conceive)

“THANK YOU. I can't believe I get to do this with you and how generous you're being by sharing your gifts and your heart. I can't imagine a more organic, smooth, connective, sparkly process. It was so helpful when I heard you say, "It sounds like you've been missing yourself." That's exactly how it's been..and what an amazing discovery, really. So sweet. Thank you thank you! I love you!”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 20s, pre-pregnancy)

“I appreciate Cara's personalized approach in her programs, tailoring not just to individuals but also to their current circumstances. Adapting to the various stages of motherhood empowers you to navigate challenges with confidence. Her programs offer the unique opportunity to be seen as an individual that is also a mother, while offering a community to connect with.”

— Group Program Client (Female, 30s, 1 kid)

“My time with Cara has helped me keep going in a season that has been hard and confusing. I am learning to be more kind and committed to myself, which can be really hard. I appreciate Cara's empathy and understanding while also kindly pushing me to take action in areas where I need to.”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, pre-pregnancy)

“Cara deeply cares about the wellbeing of everyone in her program; I feel connected, a part of a community, and I love the coaching. Great program for moms.”

— Group Program Client (Female, 30s, 3 kids)

“Now that we are reaching the end, reflecting back through my journal, you've given me SO many resources and introduced daily habits to better myself and myself as a Mother.”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, pregnant)

“I highly recommend Matsu love courses to improve health, quality of life, mindful living and intentional motherhood. This is the first thing I’ve done for myself since having kids and it has given me the space to think about how I want to show up as a mother instead of just surviving it!”

— Group Program Client (Female, 30s, 2 kids)

“I was present to the growth that I have had in the past year.”

— Group Program Client (Female, 30s, 2 kids)

“Reflecting back on this experience, it’s opened me to the thought of higher power and seeing the cause & effect of my emotions, language, deep conversations with my husband and bringing my focus to myself. I never thought to place myself on my ‘to-do’ list for my pregnancy and it’s allowed me to explore my inner self and the mother I want to be. I’m walking away with endless resources, daily habits and understanding of myself.”

— 1:1 Program Client (Female, 30s, pregnant)

“Doing parts work was really helpful. It helped me see how I use shame as a way to protect myself. I was able to empathize with that part of myself and was also able to start letting go of it. It can be uncomfortable to do this type of work but Cara helped me feel normal by sharing some of her experiences and by validating mine. I felt lighter, refreshed after our session and am looking forward to out work together!”

— 1:1 Coaching Client (Female, 30s, pre-pregnancy)