Empowering Motherhood

A year-long journey into the essence of motherhood exploring purpose, spirituality and self-healing in a community of conscious mothers.

Promises of the Program

You will be…

….free from “mom-guilt” forever. (Yes, it’s possible!)

You will have…

….a tribe of women who share your values, inspire you, and support you. You will experience the connection and community that your heart has been wanting.

You will uncover…

… and create your Purpose; a reason for being that lights you up and inspires your everyday experience of yourself and life.

You will discover…

… and practice the magic of connecting to and living from the guidance of your higher power. Spirituality will become the center place from which you live, and you will intuitively know how to pass that experience along to your children.

You will cultivate…

…a new freedom, joyfulness and peace of mind as a mom and a human.

You will experience…

… being resourced, integrated and whole - your cup will be full so that you are giving to your children, family, and others from the overflow.

This program is for you if you’ve ever felt….

  • You want to be a “Conscious Parent” and you find it hard to access Conscious Parenting when you are in the heat of the moment with a tantruming toddler.

  • You feel like there is nothing left for yourself at the end of the day.

  • You are “surviving” the current phase that you’re in, waiting for a better time when things won’t be so hard, and then you feel guilty that you’re not enjoying and treasuring the precious moments of your child as a little one.

  • You see that our society is not well, and it feels hard to live in our current society the way that it is. You feel like something is wrong, and you are afraid for the future. The only thing that you see to do about it is to raise the best kids you possibly can, so that’s what you’ve thrown yourself into.

  • You want to contribute something to the world that will create a better future for our children, but it feels way too overwhelming to explore that while your children are young.

  • Motherhood and your children completely consume your thoughts, your conversations, and your life. In many ways, it is the best thing that ever happened to you…. AND you aren’t sure who you are outside of being a mother. You feel like motherhood should be enough for you, and you feel guilty when it sometimes isn’t.

  • It doesn’t matter what choices you make for your children and household - someone will tell you that it is wrong. You feel tremendous pressure to do the “right” thing for your children, but your in-laws, your friends, mom groups, or mom friends will always judge you and alienate you for your choices, leaving you feeling completely isolated and alone.

Questions You Will Ask Yourself

“Who am I, without children?”

“Who am I, for my children?”

“What do I need to be well-resourced as a mother?”

“Where are my unconscious behaviors impacting me and my loved ones?”

“What kind of future reality of motherhood do we want to create, so that new moms don’t have to struggle and suffer in the ways that I have?”

“What is my life for?”

“What is the generational trauma from my family where I’m committed to breaking the cycle?”

Each month we’ll explore a new framework together…

The Inherited World of Motherhood

My Higher Self

My Purpose

My Inner Universe

My Physical Body Part I

My Physical Body Part II

My Outward Projection of Self

My Past Self

My Future Self

Resourcing Motherhood

The Spirit Self & Oneness

Our Created World of Motherhood

Everything we do in this program will empower you to live from your own inner guidance and align you with your most wild, beautiful and joyful Self.

What’s Included

By investing your time, energy and money into this program, you’ll receive nourishment, guidance and care in the following structures:

  • The intention of this call is for you to feel seen and known. The call will be 90 minutes long via Zoom, and we will talk about what you want to get out of the program, what you’re challenged by, what you’re struggling with, and what your heart needs.

  • The intention of our kick-off mini-retreat is to connect with each other, prepare for our year together, and rejuvenate you. The format is a 3-hour mini retreat, hosted on Zoom.

    We will use the following during our time together:

    • Discussion Prompts

    • Yoga nidra

    • Journaling

    • Guided visualization / meditation to meet your higher self

    • Mindful eating practice

  • The intention of the monthly community calls is to create a community of support for you to connect with and to deliver the lesson that we will be focusing on for the month. This call will be 1-Hour long, hosted on Zoom.

    The community calls will include things such as:

    • Embodiment / grounding practices

    • Slides to discover our lesson together

    • Breakout room discussions so that you can connect with each other and explore the lesson together

    • Journaling exercises

    • Content like videos or book excerpts

  • The intention of the Monthly Healing Guide is to provide you with some structure and support for the in-between moments when we are not together and to give you action items to integrate what you’re learning.

    Every month, I will send you a digital guide to supplement our lesson from the month. The guide will include things like:

    • An outline of the lesson of the month

    • Options for daily practices including topics like:

      • Nutrition / nourishment

      • Movement

      • Meditation

      • Prayer

      • Presence practices

      • Gratitude practices

      • Reading and/or Podcast recommendations to support your learning

    • Low-lift assignments (e.g. Take a walk by yourself without your phone at sunset. Journal about your experience.)

    • Full & New Moon honoring rituals

      • Journaling prompts

      • Creating sacred space (Curated candles, images, etc.)

      • Reflection meditation prompt

      • Prayer prompt

  • The intention of the Coaching Call is for you to get 1:1 guidance for your own self-healing through the lesson of the month.

    You will schedule a recurring monthly appointment for your coaching call, and you will come to the call prepared with an intention, question, or challenge you’re dealing with.

  • The intention of the Remote Reiki Healing is to support your healing from an energetic level, to replenish you, and for you to practice receiving care from someone else. We will schedule 2 thirty minute sessions for you each month.

    Cara is certified in Reiki Level I & II and is trained to deliver reiki remotely.

    Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique used in over 800 hospitals around the US to promote physical, mental and emotional healing. Read more about Reiki here.

    What to expect from Remote Reiki:

    • Some physical sensations such as warm spots, tingling sensations, the chills.

    • A deep sinking feeling, like you are sinking into a warm bath and your body feels heavy.

    • Relaxation.

    • Ease to enter meditative states.

    • Sometimes people don’t feel much except for relaxation, and that is perfectly fine.

  • The intention of the WhatsApp community is to keep you connected to the other moms on this journey so that you can support each other and work with each other.

    We will set up several different topic conversations in WhatsApp for you to connect with each other in between calls, and set up times to chat or support each other as you see fit. Conversation topics could look like:

    • Conscious parenting insights & questions

    • Requests for emotional validation

    • Insights from the lessons

    • Requests for connection (HW buddies, phone calls, in-person dates)

    What the community is NOT for:

    • Complaining

    • Offering unsolicited advice

Fall 2023 Pilot Program Schedule

Our Fall program has already begun, and unfortunately it is too late to join us. Click below to join the waitlist for the next program. (Coming in 2024).

Schedule for Empowering Motherhood

Join the Waitlist

The next Empowering Motherhood program will be launching in 2024. If you’re interested in being part of my next program, please add yourself to the waitlist by clicking below.

“Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force.
It’s huge and scary - it’s an act of infinite optimism.”

-Gilda Radner